Trezor Login | Congrats on your new Trezor serves as the gateway to initiating your digital asset journey with Trezor Wallet. This online platform facilitates the setup and initialization process

Trezor Connect is a platform for easy integration of "Login with Trezor" into websites and applications.

Trezor is known as the most secure cryptocurrency hardware wallet. Trezor Connect expands its application to the most secure user authentication device. It allows the user to login without the need for a password. It is immune to keyloggers or phishing and provides a simple fluid interface for users with basic computer skills.

Trezor Connect can be used as:

  • Authentication tool, as used in Sign in with Trezor

  • Cipherkey tool, as used in Password manager

  • Cryptocurrency wallet tool, as used in MyEtherWallet

Trezor Connect can be implemented in:

  • Google Chrome Extension

  • Websites (Google Chrome/Chromium/Mozilla Firefox)

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